Category: General Health

Tools to Fight Osteoporosis

Calcium Rich Foods
There's more to osteoporosis prevention than drinking more milk or popping a calcium tablet. Calcium supplementation has long been the main focus of bone health regimens. There are other elements, however, that are necessary for maintaining optimal skeletal support. Find out what makes up a well-rounded anti-osteoporosis plan.

Natural Treatment Options for Anxiety

While millions of Americans suffer regularly from anxiety disorders, most of them do not seek or receive appropriate treatment. There are many natural alternatives that may work for treating anxiety, helping you avoid unpleasant side effects from prescription medications.

Healthy Veins, Healthy Legs

Man and woman walking through puddle.
Tired legs and unsightly veins are more than just a product of growing older. These symptoms could be signaling issues that can be improved with treatment or avoided with prevention efforts. Dr. Cindy Asbjornsen outlines various symptoms and causes of venous disease. 

The Long Journey of Cannabis Medicine

Medicinal Cannabis Prescription and Pill Bottle
Cannabis is in the news, debated politically, discussed among friends, family, doctors, pharmacists, and wellness professionals. Research is mounting towards its validity as a medicinal tool. Dismissing it as "something for hippies" is no longer a justifiable option. Becoming more familiar with its healing properties is the first step in accepting it as a viable treatment option.

Coastal on The Living Life with Lynda Show

Joel and Cassi on Living Life with Lynda
Recently, Lynda Adams interviewed our very own Joel Hall and Cassi Brooks on her wellness show, Living Life with Lynda. Joel is our head wellness specialist and Cassi is both a co-owner and wellness specialist. Cassi and Joel shared their knowledge about supplementation and how to best support wellness.