Ready to Relax? Tips for Reducing Stress


Women's Health

“There must be quite a few things that a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them.” – Sylvia Plath

– Take a Few Deep Breathes
Breathing deeply is great for health and relaxation. Research suggests that breathing slowly for a few minutes a day can lower blood pressure and help counter-act symptoms of stress. (When under chronic stress, we have the tendency to take shallow breaths and hold them.) Take a yoga or Tai Chi class. Try sitting with your eyes closed and concentrate on your breathing to meditate. Or take a mini-break between meetings to breathe in and out – three counts each – five times a day.

– Smell the Lavender (or Mango or Lemons)
A little aromatherapy can do a lot of good. Scientists in Japan found that certain fragrances have the ability to alter gene activity and blood chemistry in ways that can reduce stress levels. Add a few drops of lavender oil to your next bath. Keep a lavender satchel at your desk to inhale for mid-day relief. Or heat a few drops of essential oil to fill the room. Stop by the store to find the scent that soothes you.

– Exercise
Plain and simple it’s still one of the best ways to clear your mind, work off daily anxieties, and distract your focus from stress triggers. Exercise helps to release feel-good endorphins plus lower blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease. Sign up for a weekly class to commit to taking a break. Walk during your lunch hour with a co-worker. Even every day activities that get you moving will help: check something off your to do list at the same time–tackle the spring cleaning or mow the lawn, for example.

– Get Together with Family and Friends
Stay connected to those you are close with. Talk to loved ones about the stress you are experiencing. Not expressing frustrated or anxious feelings can lead to a sense of helplessness, depression and even hostility. Make time to get together with good friends and engage in a familiar activity you enjoy. Or try something new. (Consider watching a good comedy – laughter has also proven beneficial in relieving stress.)

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Coastal Pharmacy & Wellness Staff

Coastal Pharmacy & Wellness Staff

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