“Let thy food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates – the man considered to be the father of modern medicine – first uttered this statement over 2000 years ago. My path to becoming a Naturopathic Doctor has been a journey of finding ways to help patients reconnect with this essential truth...
Author: Dr. Peter Knight, ND
Dr. Knight, is a licensed doctor of naturopathic medicine specializing in nutritional and holistic treatment approaches to chronic health conditions. He is a graduate of Bastyr University and is in private practice at Healthy Living Health Care in Falmouth, Maine.
In my last blog post, we made our way through the 22 feet of the small intestine. Once what has remained of our food completes that journey, it goes through a gate called the illeocecal valve and finds its way into the large intestine. The large intestine is only about 5 feet long but the...
by Dr. Peter Knight ND When we last left the gastrointestinal tract we were in the stomach where stomach acid and enzymes in conjunction with the mechanical forces of the stomach’s muscles were breaking down our food into a liquid known as chyme. When the gate at the bottom of the stomach called the pyloric...
by Dr. Peter Knight ND Last month our journey through the gastrointestinal tract took us from the mouth down the tube called the esophagus. As the journey continues in this the fourth blog in this series, we have come out of the esophagus and found our way into the stomach. When most people think about...
by Peter Knight ND When last we left our journey through the digestive tract, we had prepared ourselves to eat in a relaxed state, we took a bite of food, and chewed it well to get the digestive process started. Now its time to swallow. We go through the act of swallowing countless times a...
by Peter Knight ND The holiday season is a time of many celebrations and with that comes a lot of opportunities for eating. As we continue our exploration of the digestive tract, now that you are in the right mind state for optimal digestion it’s finally time to take a bite. Chewing is the first...
by Peter Knight ND When it is working well, most of us don’t spend much time thinking about our digestive tract. We put food in our mouth, we may chew it a little bit, we swallow, and then it is gone. If all is well, we have a bowel movement or two a day and...